The Mechanics of Making Stuff

Creativity is an innate human drive. We express ourselves through what we design and build, whether a painting, a song, or a solution to a practical problem. We shape our identity and how others perceive us through the decisions we make in the process. Creative people have an intrinsic desire to funnel their energies into generating ideas, executing their vision, or simply letting their inspiration run wild.

For some, the creative process feels like a series of attempts to solve a puzzle. Each decision approximates the sensation of putting a jigsaw piece into place. When it clicks, it feels right, but sometimes the fit could be more comfortable. So we keep trying until we get it right. Then, the artist shapes and reshapes the work until she recognizes it as almost familiar. This feeling of familiarity and wholeness signals completion.

Other creative people have a more free-flowing and improvisational approach. The singer finds herself a new person in each moment, with unique desires, interests, and goals. Every note is a fresh and natural outpouring of emotion, and each lyric is an opportunity to bring unconscious longings into the light. This type of expression can be immersive, abstract, and very moving.

Technicians lean heavily on their craft. Starting with a simple idea, they rely on their skill and focus on chiseling away at the raw marble before them, removing everything extraneous to reveal its beauty. Such deliberate action requires a sure hand and a clear vision of the final product. It also calls for years of experience and countless hours of practice.

The architect builds from the ground up, setting a solid foundation before mathematically constructing a frame that supports a roof, floors, and walls. A building must withstand weather and heavy use. Therefore, the architect must have practical considerations in mind as well as aesthetics. This type of work requires special training.

While these disciplines and approaches require distinct techniques, the underlying mechanics are fundamentally the same. The raw fuel of creativity comes from the artist's vital life force. This power can vary in strength, depending on the health and alignment of the artist's body and mind. The more vitality and purpose a person feels, the more creative and productive they will be. Tapping into this source of ingenuity is the primary task of each creative person. With inspiration and energy, we can accomplish much.

In the end, the personality of each creator determines the specific type of expression via their aptitudes and disposition. The pure energy of creativity finds its way out through the preferences and capabilities of the artist. Everybody brings a different mix of technique, craft, and inspiration into their work, and their nature and experiences shape their taste, resulting in something uniquely their own.


To Live Terminally (Podcast Interview)


Systems for Creativity